(decentralized autonomous organization)


The AR Cloud will be the single most important software infrastructure in computing, far more valuable than Facebook's social graph or Google's pagerank index.

Augmented World Expo


The AR Cloud is to AR what search is to the Internet.



The AR Cloud is a transformative technology poised to revolutionize the consumption of content and communication.


The Model

The STRATIS model is elegantly straightforward: We reward our users for expanding our XR Cloud Map by sharing ad revenue with them.

Imagine the indispensable role of platforms like Google Maps for location-based services. In a similar vein, developers use the Stratis XR Platform to design apps that are not only tied to a location but also deeply integrated with the tangible structures around them. This connection is paramount for AR Glasses. Without a comprehensive XR Cloud Map like that of Stratis, the potential of AR Glasses is significantly constrained, limiting the depth and immersion of user experiences.

Stratis offers developers access to its back-end without any charges, ensuring they have all the tools they need. Furthermore, with our integrated advertising network, developers find the pathway to monetization refreshingly simple.

Our user base contributes an enormous amount of photos from all around the world using our app.

The STRATIS AI Engine builds 3D models and maps from those photos and provides developers easy access to that highly sought-after data.

We then give our advertisers access to place ads within the worlds created by our development partners.

Finally, we distribute ad revenue to our user base, development partners, and STRATIS itself.

Decentralized Governance: The Power of Community

Stratis operates under a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Unlike traditional models, where decisions are made by a select few, our DAO ensures that the Stratis community is at the heart of every decision and direction the platform takes. Every member has a voice, making Stratis a truly community-driven endeavor. This collective approach ensures that Stratis remains adaptive, innovative, and always aligned with the needs and aspirations of its users.


Interested in joining the STRATIS team?